
Speak your lines clearly, and try not to trip over the furniture.

— Noel Coward

Leveraging a career of experience designing and producing interactive media, I enjoy delivering compelling, evocative, and inspiring talks.

Most conferences don’t record the talks for various reasons, however, a few times, some friends have been kind enough to record my sessions. Below are three of these recordings.


Selected Decks

Click the images to download the PDFs.

Ethics ex Machina

Cambridge Analytica is now a shuttered entity after unethical, if not illegal usage of our personal data.

Facebook's CEO had to testify before Congress, and Microsoft's AI bot "Tay" became a slanderous racist in less than 16 hours.

Here we dive into how we can begin to think about our work with the lens of what Alan Cooper calls “being a good ancestor.” How we can inject ethics and standards into our daily efforts to ensure we're designing the future we want, and our children deserve.

UX Without the User, Is Your X

Assumptions. Biases. Opinions. “I know the users.” “I know what’s good.” And so rang the death knell of any potentially great experience. Here we discuss the importance of involving users in your product development processes early, and often. We cover various methods to engage customers at every step. We discuss ways to do all this without disrupting your business. We even go over tips and tricks to getting quick wins from your users efficiently and at little cost. Don’t assume. Let’s put the U back into UX!

UX As a Service

This talk covers five strategies I’ve found to be indispensable when building happy, efficient, productive, and creative teams: Communication, Cooperation, Delegation, Humility, and Consistency. Here we cover how I’ve implemented these strategies with different teams and teammates, along with the benefits the come with following these practices, and prices we pay when we don’t.

Select Speaking Engagements

UX Without the U is Your X
2019, Big Design Conference
2019, Deloitte University

Ethics Ex Machina
2018, Big Design Conference

Designing a Great Experience: The ROI of UX
2018, Agile Product Owners Meetup
2018, Deloitte University
2017, Thompson Reuters FED Meetup
2016, Dallas Startup Week

In Case of Emergency, Break Taboo
2017, Creative Mornings
2017, Big Design Conference
2017, UXPA Boston Conference

Project Operation - Improving complex systems w/out killing the patient
2016, Big Design Conference

The Triforce of UX: How to Hire a Great UX Designer
2016, Dallas Startup Week

UX for Startups
2016, Dallas Startup Week

Service Design - Your Next Career Move
2018, Service Design Network, Dallas Meetup
2015, Big Design Conference

UX As A Service: 5 Strategies to Elevate Design Thinking In Your Organization
2014, Big Design Conference
2014, CA Technologies
2014, Thompson Reuters EDGE Technology Conference